Who’s Awesome! Amanda Applegate – February 2025
Amanda Applegate, patron services, is HCPL’s February winner for Who’s Awesome! Amanda was one of eleven nominations for the honor this month.
Alisa Burch, library director, nominated Amanda stating, “Amanda is always friendly and helpful to patrons and staff. She helps make the library a pleasant place to work and visit. Amanda is awesome!
Amanda was also named the Who’s Awesome! winner for October 2023 when Tiffany Thieneman, Public Service Manager wrote, “Amanda is always willing to help in any way she can! From carrying chairs and tables up and down stairs, to helping with programs, to answering any questions I may have – she always offers to help in whatever capacity is needed. I appreciate how she offers assistance to other employees and patrons regardless of the situation. Thank you for being awesome!”
Amanda has been with the library for 26 years, joining the youth services and circulation staffs in January of 1999. She then transitioned to patron services where she works handling the recovery of overdue and damaged materials. She serves on several of HCPL’s committees including the Fun Committee, the Employee Appreciation Committee and the Hotspot Committee. She has helped Tiffany Thieneman design and host adult programs such as Just Desserts and Cookbook Club.
Amanda has received multiple nominations over the months. In August of 2024 Genealogy Head Kathy Fisher wrote, “Coming up with creative ways to celebrate the Paris Olympics was harder than imagined! Amanda was so awesome to finally break through and create such great snacks packs!” Another nomination that month read, “Day after day Amanda is friendly and upbeat. She takes her responsibilities seriously and always looks for ways to accommodate patrons and still follow HCPL policy. Amanda brightens the day for staff and patrons. Amanda is awesome.”
In July of 2024, Debi Strubler, circulation clerk, stated, ”Amanda is always cheerful. That demeanor is infectious! I also appreciate everything she does for the fun committee too!!” And Ellie Tucker-Brown wrote in May of 2024, “Amanda is willing to pitch in and help when needed, always showing a positive attitude in the process.”
Each month a winner is selected by random drawing. Other staff members nominated in February include Bethany Banet, Elizabeth Esarey, Nikki Esarey, Connie Gresham, Eden Ransdell, Heather Rapp, Trevor Smith, Jessica Stroud, and Brandy Wilkerson.
Article by Alisa Burch, Director
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