In loving memory of Diana Lasky, 1962 – 2025

It is with heavy hearts that we at HCPL share that Diana Lasky passed away on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, after a months-long battle with acute myeloblastic leukemia. Youth in the community knew and loved Diana as “the Library Lady” from her work at HCPL and the Corydon Elementary School library. 

Diana joined the HCPL staff in August of 2007 as a library assistant in youth services. She assisted in all capacities and started a teen program she called TAG (Teen Activity Group). Under her direction, the teens took over decorating the library for Christmas, worked the life-sized Candy Land program, had poetry readings, and more. Diana became youth services manager in 2018 and guided the department into video programming during the pandemic in an effort to continue to reach the community while the library was closed. She was instrumental in getting Tyson involved in the Winter Reading Challenge, dubbing the program “Read to Feed Harrison County.” That effort continued to grow each year with other generous donors such as Duke Energy and the Harrison REMC. She carried the brunt of moving Summer Reading record keeping to Beanstack.

Diana was a dedicated, hard-working employee pitching in wherever needed, working local festivals and pop-up libraries. In January of 2023, she transitioned to the administrative assistant position where she worked tirelessly, taking on tasks such as digitizing historical library minutes, setting up and hosting receptions for library volunteers and retiring board members, working as a liaison between the Arts Alliance of Southern Indiana and the library to bring Shakespeare performances to Harrison County, tackling the Water Step donation program and more. Due to her battle with leukemia and deteriorating health, she resigned effective January 1, 2025. 

Words cannot express how much we will miss her positive outlook. Diana would say, “Today is a good day to have a good day!”

Let’s Celebrate Diana on Saturday, February 22, 2025, from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m. at Beanblossom-Cesar Funeral Home.

In loving memory of Diana Lasky, 1962 – 2025 Read More »

Who's Awesome! January 2025 photograph

Who’s Awesome! Brandy Wilkerson – January 2025

Brandy Wilkerson, business manager, is HCPL’s Who’s Awesome! winner for January. There were 24 nominations for the honor this month.

Jessica Stroud, assistant director, nominated Wilkerson writing, “Following the winter storm, Brandy went out of her way to help salt the library sidewalk and to get the attention of a Town of Corydon bobcat driver to ask him to clear the way in front of the Emporium. Brandy goes above and beyond, and she is awesome! ”

Wilkerson received two other nominations this month. Palmyra lead circ associate Nikki Esarey nominated Wilkerson stating, “Brandy was so helpful recently when I needed to make a change to my insurance papers. She made multiple calls and emails to quickly get it  straightened out. I really appreciate her taking care of it in such an efficient manner. She did an awesome job!!”

The third nomination by Director Alisa Burch stated, “Everything went wrong last week and Brandy kept plugging away with a can-do attitude. If there are mistakes, she works to fix them. She keeps learning and progressing everyday. Brandy is awesome!”

Wilkerson joined the HCPL staff on October 22. She trained for a month with former business manager Kelly Powell. Wilkerson was previously employed by Tyson Foods.  She received two nominations in December. Public Services Manager Tiffany Thieneman wrote, “Brandy has jumped right into her new role and is doing a great job! She asks questions and works to understand processes/procedures in different  departments. I appreciate that she is already participating in our “fun” activities and dress days. Brandy is awesome! “  The second nomination said, “Brandy is working hard to learn and understand her new role  as business manager. She is making the position her own working on a more organized system and keeping accurate instructions and records of processes. She has also filled in on the run while Steven has been off. She is willing to help when and where she is needed. Brandy is awesome.”

Each month a winner is selected by random drawing. Others nominated in January include: Ann Allen,  Amanda Applegate, Bethany Banet, Alisa Burch, Nikki Esarey, Kathy Fisher, Connie Gresham, Eden Ransdell, Jennifer Schroering, Steven Schifcar,  Trevor Smith, Jessica Stroud, Tiffany Thieneman, and Savannah Wallace.

Article by Alisa Burch, Director

Who’s Awesome! Brandy Wilkerson – January 2025 Read More »

Who’s Awesome! Sarah Dorton – December 2024

Sarah Dorton, circulation clerk at the Elizabeth branch library, is HCPL’s  Who’s Awesome! winner for December. There were 19 nominations for the honor this month.

Eden Ransdell, youth services manager, nominated Dorton writing, “Sarah made an awesome promo video for the Winter Reading challenge! ”

Dorton joined the HCPL staff in October of 2012 and was part of the original Elizabeth staff when the branch opened on Sunday, October 28, 2012.  She was a perfect fit for the branch library being from Elizabeth with an interest in genealogy and the history of the community. Dorton is a whiz at Photoshop, Canva and video editing. She uses her creativity to come up with awesome decorations and displays and is a patron favorite.

Administrative Assistant Diana Lasky nominated Dorton in August 2023 stating, “Sarah does amazing work behind the scenes to provide content for social media. The library is very lucky to have Sarah’s talent available as she works magic to create short video ads and content to provide a polished professional look to everything she touches. I value the incredible work that she has done for me this year working with Shakespeare and WaterStep promotions. Thanks for being awesome, Sarah!”

Dorton was also nominated by her supervisor Sara Deatrick, Elizabeth lead circ associate, in May 2023 for, “Decorating for SRP. Scavenger hunt, hallway display, Memorial Day display, bulletin boards!” and January of 2023 for creating “Beyond awesome balloon & streamer hoop decorations for Ella Enchanted Program on 1/18/23. We received a thank you in the mail from Patty Ball thanking each.”

Each month a winner is selected by random drawing. Others nominated in November include:  Ann Allen, Sara Deatrick, Amanda Embrey, Nikki Esarey, Connie Gresham, Shawnda Mosson, Julia Phipps, Courtney Satterfield, Trevor Smith, Jessica Stroud, Debi Strubler, Savannah Wallace, Brandy Wilkerson, and Heather Wyss.


Article by Alisa Burch, Director

Who’s Awesome! Sarah Dorton – December 2024 Read More »

Read to Feed Harrison County 2025

Are you ready to become a Reading Machine?  Wednesday, January 1 is the first day of the 2025 Read to Feed Harrison County Winter Challenge! The challenge is open to all ages, January 1 – 31.  The goal is to read 10,000 books as a community. If the goal is reached, Harrison County Community Services will receive $1,000 from Duke Energy, $1,000 from Lucas Oil, $500 from Caesars Southern Indiana, $250 from Eckart Supply, and $200 from REMC. Canned food will be collected at all library branches.

During the Winter Reading Challenge, everything counts! Books, eBooks, audiobooks, and magazines can be used from any source, both library and personal. Check out free books and audiobooks from Overdrive or the Libby app, and enjoy digital materials without wait times on Hoopla. Track your reading with Beanstack to earn badges and explore activities inspired by this year’s theme, Reading Machine! You are challenged to read at least 10 books in the month of January to unlock the badges.

If you have participated in a reading challenge with us before, you already have a Beanstack account. The library will assist you if you have any difficulties logging on. If you do not want a Beanstack account, the library will be happy to log your reading for you. Just stop in at any library branch to pick up a Winter Read bookmark. HELP READ TO FEED HARRISON COUNTY!

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Indiana Statewide Writing Contest – Grades 4-12

Deadline – January 21, 2025

Letters About Literature is a letter writing contest for Indiana students in grades 4-12. Students are asked to read a book, poem or speech and write to the author (living or deceased) about how the book affected how they see themselves or how they see the world. Indiana students in grades 4-12 are eligible to enter the Indiana Letters About Literature reading and writing contest.

Watch our promotional video!NOW ACCEPTING SUBMISSIONS!

 2025 Call for Entries

There are three competition levels:

  • Level I: Grades 4-6
  • Level II: Grades 7 & 8
  • Level III: Grades 9-12

Prizes are awarded to the following winners in each level:

  • First Place: $100.00
  • Second Place: $50.00
  • Third Place: $25.00
  • Indiana Author Letters (Awarded to the highest scored letter written to an Indiana Author): $50.00
  • Teacher Prize: $150 (Awarded annually to a teacher who has gone the extra mile to support their students in entering our contest)

All Indiana winners will be announced in late March, 2025 and will receive an invitation to the Virtual Awards Ceremony, as well as a prize pack (including free books!) mailed to their home. All Indiana winning letters are published in a booklet that is distributed free to the winning students. Our author for the Virtual Awards Ceremony will be Indiana Author, LISA FIPPS!

LAL supports educational standards established for reading and language arts.

The 2024-25 Letters About Literature contest for young readers is made possible by the James and Madeleine McMullen Family Foundation and the Indiana State Library Foundation.

Please let me know if you have any questions and please forward to an educator who might be interested in this opportunity!

Contest Website:

Indiana Statewide Writing Contest – Grades 4-12 Read More »

WA Amanda Embrey

Who’s Awesome! Amanda Embrey – November 2024

Amanda Embrey, circulation clerk at the Palmyra branch library, is HCPL’s  Who’s Awesome!  winner for November. There were four nominations for the honor this month.

Nikki Esarey, the Palmyra lead circ associate, nominated Embrey writing, “Recently, Amanda purchased a variety of puzzles to create a puzzle swap for our free book cart, and the patrons love it. Whether it’s setting up an aquarium at the desk, bringing in cute decorations, or starting a puzzle swap, Amanda is always striving to make the library more welcoming and fun.”

Embrey joined the HCPL staff at Palmyra in April of 2013 and worked until the end of 2017 when she transitioned to a substitute position. In November of 2023, she rejoined the Palmyra schedule and has since received eight Who’s Awesome nominations.

In October Embrey received two nominations. Co-worker Shawnda Mosson wrote, “Amanda has been great about covering my shifts for me when I have needed to take time off. I am very grateful that she has been able to switch her schedule around when I have needed the coverage.”  Esarey’s  nomination read, “Amanda has great customer service skills and is always friendly and helpful to library patrons. While I was at a school visit this week and she was working by herself, a couple visiting from out of town were so impressed with her welcoming attitude that they made a nice donation to the library in gratitude. Her kindness and dedication is apparent in all she does. She is awesome!!”

Esarey also nominated Embrey in June stating, “Amanda purchased an aquarium and all of the supplies for the library’s desk. She thought that it would be nice for our patrons, especially our young patrons, and she worked diligently to make it a reality. The patrons do love it and so do the employees. It is so bright and cheerful – complete with a bubbling volcano. It’s a great addition to the library. Amanda is awesome for making it happen!”

Each month a winner is selected by random drawing. Others nominated in November include:  Jan Hecht, Shelley Gulley and Pat Schwartz.


Article by Alisa Burch, Director

Who’s Awesome! Amanda Embrey – November 2024 Read More »

Who's Awesome - Pat Schwartz

Who’s Awesome! Pat Schwartz – October 2024

Pat Schwartz, circulation clerk at the Lanesville branch library, is HCPL’s  Who’s Awesome!  winner for October. There were twenty nominations for the honor this month.

Carla Ward, Schwartz’s Lanesville co-worker, nominated  her writing, “Pat is very good with the patrons. With one of our regulars she has taken on the responsibility of finding books and authors he might enjoy. This hasn’t always been an easy task for her since this patron is very picky. She also recommends books to one of our patrons who struggles finding books. She’s always putting books on hold for them and also giving them book recommendations. Both patrons are very pleased with the amount of help Pat gives them.”

In September, Schwartz received two nominations for Who’s Awesome! Systems Administrator Trevor Smith wrote, “Pat has helped out tremendously every time I am working from Lanesville. If a patron comes in for a tour of the makerspace, and I am assisting a patron, Pat always takes it upon herself to show the patron around and describing what each machine does perfectly. Pat will also go the extra mile to help identify issues when reporting them. I can’t thank her enough for her help.” The second nomination by Business Manager Kelly Powell read, “Pat was very helpful in training a new  employee. When the employee was having difficulties learning different aspects of the job, Pat called the main branch to ask what she could do to help this employee. Pat implemented different training techniques to try and help. Unfortunately, it did not work, but Pat’s willingness to think outside of the box to help a fellow employee was noticed.“

In July, Debi Strubler, a Corydon circulation clerk, nominated Schwartz writing, “On several occasions I have called Lanesville with a question. Pat always answers my questions in record time and very kindly. I really appreciate this.”

Each month a winner is selected by random drawing. Others nominated in September include: Ann Allen, Chelsea Arnold, Bethany Banet, Henry Blair, Amanda Embrey, Nikki Esarey, Connie Gresham, Shelley Gulley, Kelly Powell, Shawnda Mosson, Julia Phipps, Trevor Smith, Jessica Stroud, Savannah Wallace, and Heather Wyss.


Article by Alisa Burch, Director

Who’s Awesome! Pat Schwartz – October 2024 Read More »

Who’s Awesome! Debbie McClanahan – September 2024

Debbie McClanahan,  lead circ associate at the Corydon Branch, is HCPL’s  September  winner for Who’s Awesome! There were seven nominations for the  honor this month.

Jessica Stroud, assistant director,  nominated McClanahan  writing, “Debbie ensures awesomeness in the circulation department daily, and most  recently she is to be commended for her suggestions and contributions to the hotspot policy and procedure committee. Not only is she key in shaping the policy, she also articulates and updates the policy in existing documents, then distributes the changes to  circulation staff at all branches. She additionally created a how-to slideshow about circulating hotspots for the benefit of all circulation staff, and prior to that created two Niche Academy tutorials for HCPL staff. Kudos to Debbie for her hard work and dedication! “

McClanahan has worked at the library for nearly 19  years, joining HCPL’s staff  in November of 2005 as a circulation assistant. She was promoted to front desk  supervisor in August of 2006 and now is the Corydon lead circ associate.

In July, Director Alisa Burch nominated  McClanahan stating, “Debbie has been working hard to create tutorials on circulation skills for staff that can be uploaded to the Niche staff academy. This month she spent hours working on hotspot circulation and inspection. Tutorials are a great tool for staff who have questions about specific tasks and make a super training tool. Debbie is awesome!”

“Debbie is a very nice lady who helps me out a lot. :)“, wrote Youth Services Manager Eden Ransdell last November.

Tiffany Thieneman, public services manager, nominated McClanahan in September of 2023 writing, “Debbie is my Scooby-Doo! She always helps me solve the random mysteries that pop up. Whether it is one of our items or a SRCS material, Debbie is willing to help figure out what the issue is and how to solve it. It is awesome to have Debbie as a resource to help when something happens that I can’t figure out. I appreciate her willingness to help me and the Reference staff! “

In August of 2023, patron services co-worker Amanda Applegate nominated McClanahan stating, “ I appreciate Debbie helping me out last week with cross-referencing. She is always willing to help out when needed. “

Each month a winner is selected by random drawing. Other staff members nominated in September include:  Sarah Dorton, Amanda Embrey, Seren Lindsey, Steven Schifcar, Jon Schraffenberger, Pat Schwartz,  and Tiffany Thieneman.


Article by Alisa Burch, Director

Who’s Awesome! Debbie McClanahan – September 2024 Read More »

SoIN Big Read begins September 22 | Kickoff event September 24

The SoIN Big Read is a regional reading event hosted by libraries and local organizations. The event promotes reading and celebrates the joy of learning as a community. This year’s Big Read book is Player Piano by Kurt Vonnegut. Participating organizations: Arts Alliance of Southern Indiana, Clark County Reads, Floyd County Public Library, Harrison County Public Library, Jeffersonville Township Public Library, and the Kurt Vonnegut Museum and Library.

Get your copy of Player Piano at any HCPL branch!

SoIN Big Read Kickoff

Tuesday, September 24 · 6:30 – 8pm EDT

Ivy Tech Community College: Auditorium, 8204 Highway 311 Sellersburg, IN 47172

Event lasts 1 hour 30 minutes

Join us for this exciting FREE event to kick off the SoIN Big Read! Reserve your spot at the kickoff event

The sponsors are excited to host artist Edith Vonnegut Squibb, daughter of literary icon Kurt Vonnegut, and celebrated author Jess Walter of The Cold Millions, Beautiful Ruins, and other titles for a compelling discussion on the significance of free speech and the lasting impact of Vonnegut’s work.

As they delve into topics related to book banning, Squibb will offer a unique perspective on her father’s fearless approach to controversial topics and his belief in the power of literature to provoke thought and inspire change.

Walter will bring his own experiences as a writer to the conversation, reflecting on how the fight for free speech continues to shape the literary landscape. Together, they will explore the ongoing relevance of Vonnegut’s voice in defending the right to read and write without restriction, highlighting the critical role of literature in safeguarding freedom of expression.

This kickoff event is sponsored by the Jeffersonville Township Public Library Foundation and Indiana Humanities.

2024 SoIN Big Read Events

SoIN Big Read begins September 22 | Kickoff event September 24 Read More »

A Time to Honor Veterans

Last November 2023, the Indiana DAR (Daughters of American Revolution) and Harrison County Veterans held an event in which Indiana Veterans who served during the Vietnam War era were gifted an archival-quality hardbound book, A Time to Honor: Stories of Service, Duty, and Sacrifice.

This FREE Gift Program was part of the Service for Veterans State Indiana DAR (INDAR) Project in collaboration with the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs (IDVA) & Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans (WHVV).

Harrison County Public Library and the Frederick Porter Griffin Center are excited to accept two additional copies of the Indiana Edition of the book, gifted by the local DAR, The Hoosier Elm Chapter, and make them available for all patrons to view and check out.  The Palmyra Branch had already received a copy from DAR.  Plans are to provide all HCPL branches a copy of the book.

Filled with real stories representing men and women from all states, branches of service, and Military Occupational Specialties, A Time to Honor also includes the feature DVD documentary The Journey Home, which focuses on what America and the Vietnam Veterans have learned, and felt, since first coming home over fifty years ago.

Thank you to The Hoosier Elm Chapter NSDAR, Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans, the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs, and ALL INDIANA VETERANS!

Written by Kathy Fisher

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