Join over 28,000 others and obtain your HCPL library card!  Anyone may use the Library collection while at any of our branches, but a library card is required for borrowing privileges of materials.

An adult may get a resident or non-resident card, and children 5 – 17 may get either card with permission from their parents, legal guardians, or caregiver. Children must have their applications signed by their parents or legal guardians before they will receive their cards. Library cards may be obtained at any of our branches.  After applying for a card in full, wallet card and key fob card will be immediately issued.

There are several options for those who would like to borrow materials:

Resident Card

Please be prepared to supply the information outlined below.

Harrison County Public Library cards are free to all Harrison County residents and property tax payers.  It is necessary to verify a resident’s address in order to issue a library card.  To register or renew a library card, residents are required to provide one of the following:

  •  A valid Indiana driver’s license or other form of state-issued identification card with photo and current address;
  • A photo ID with a document establishing a current Harrison County address such as a piece of delivered mail (with the envelope postmarked within the past 90 days) which could include a bill or letter and a Social Security card;
  • If the address on the photo ID is incorrect, a Social Security card and a piece of delivered mail (with the envelope postmarked within the past 90 days) such as a bill or letter may be accepted;
  • A photo ID and proof of property ownership in Harrison County (a current tax bill) with an Indiana driver’s license number or a Social Security card.

Applicants are asked to complete a short application form in person or online including:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • Township
  • Indiana driver’s license number or photo ID number (Social Security Number is an acceptable substitution)

For residents under the age of 18, a parent, guardian or caregiver meeting the above requirements needs to sign the application accepting financial responsibility for materials checked out on the minor’s card.  An adult sponsor is required to have an existing library card in good standing or will apply for a library card at the time of application for the minor’s card.

Reciprocal Borrowing Card

Patrons who have a card at their home county’s Library may be eligible for this option. The Harrison County Public Library has reciprocal borrowing agreements with more than 150 libraries in Indiana. To find out if your Library is among them, ask a librarian at our front desk, or contact your home Library. If your home Library does have a reciprocal borrowing agreement with the Harrison County Public Library, please make certain that your home Library card is up-to-date. Bring your home Library card and at least one form of picture ID to the Harrison County Public Library and fill out a card application as described above. Reciprocal membership is valid for one year from issue of card. ** AS OF JANUARY 1ST, 2010, A RECIPROCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN NEW ALBANY-FLOYD COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY AND HARRISON COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY IS IN EFFECT, WHICH ALLOWS HCPL PATRONS AND NAFCPL PATRONS TO OBTAIN RECIPROCAL BORROWING CARDS. **

Digital Access Card

HCPL offers Digital Access Cards to library website visitors interested in using the library’s databases and other digital content.  There is no residency requirement for the card.  The application is found at the bottom of the eResources page.  The applicant will receive the Digital Access Card number by email.  Digital Access Cards expire in three years.

Digital Access Card + OverDrive

HCPL offers Digital Access Cards + OverDrive to website users interested in accessing the Indiana Digital Library to download eBooks, audiobooks and digital magazines from OverDrive, and using HCPL’s databases and other digital content.  Applicants should be Harrison County residents as that is an OverDrive requirement.  The application is found on the bottom of the HCPL Digital Content page.  The applicant will receive the Digital Access Card + OverDrive number by email.  The card number is valid for three years and may be used to access HCPL public computers.

Public Library Access Card (PLAC)

The PLAC is recognized by all libraries in the state of Indiana . The charge for this card is currently $70.00, and you must have a current card at your home Library. This is an exceptionally good offer for any patron who wishes to use more than one Library. Harrison County residents must pay the $70.00 fee and fill out an additional application card. Residents of a county other than Harrison County must go to their county’s Library and apply for a resident card. They may then apply for a PLAC card at any Library. Once they have a PLAC card they may use it to check out materials from any Library in Indiana, including the Harrison County Public Library. PLAC cards expire after one year.

Non-Resident Paid Card

Patrons who live inside the state of Indiana and do not have a home library with reciprocal borrowing privileges, as well as individuals who live outside the state of Indiana, may buy a one-year individual membership to the Harrison County Public Library for $71.00. To apply, fill out an application card as described above and pay the membership fee. The $71.00 fee is mandated by state law, and is the minimum fee allowable for our Library by State Code.

Student Card

Students grades K-12 who attend public schools in Harrison County have the opportunity to receive a Student Card from HCPL.  There is no application to complete. Every student will receive a Student Card key fob unless their parent or guardian opts out.  The Student Card allows:

  • Access to HCPL’s online subscription eResources, most of which are accessible at home or school with a PIN that is emailed to the student. 
  • Access to HCPL’s OverDrive online collection of eBooks, audiobooks and digital magazines that can be downloaded to the student’s device.
  • Check out of one physical item from any of HCPL’s branches at a time.
  • Use of HCPL’s internet computers.

Students do not have to be residents of Harrison County to receive a student card as non-residents attending a Harrison County school were given access to free library cards by board resolution in 2014. 

A Student Card is good for one year.

Teacher Card

HCPL Teacher Cards are reserved for teachers at public and private schools in Harrison County.  Harrison County residents who teach in another county and homeschool teachers do not qualify for the HCPL Teacher Cards and are asked to apply for a resident card instead. 

A teacher card allows teachers a loan period of 6 weeks for books, periodicals and audiobooks and a loan period of 7 days with one renewal (if there are no holds) for DVDs.  Library staff will pull materials for busy teachers in advance so they can pick them up at their convenience. 

To receive a teacher card:

  • The teacher must teach at a Harrison County public or private school. 
  • A teacher with a resident HCPL card must have an account good standing.
  • The teacher must complete an application.
  • The applicant must be verified as a member of a county teaching staff.

 Teacher Cards are intended for classroom use only.  Teachers who live in Harrison County are encouraged to apply for a resident card for personal use.  Teachers who live outside of Harrison County may wish to apply for a reciprocal card if eligible but will be allowed to use their Teacher Card for personal use as approved by board resolution in 2014.  Teacher Card numbers may be used to access OverDrive/Libby eBooks.

Outreach Card

Harrison County Public Library offers delivery of materials through Outreach Services to Harrison County residents who may otherwise not have access, such as those in nursing homes and assisted living facilities, shut-ins, and patrons with limited mobility. Materials are selected based on patron preference, request, and availability. Residents wishing to participate in the Outreach Services should contact the library to be registered for an Outreach Card. Outreach Cards are only for use through the program.  Those patrons wishing to come into the library and select their own materials should be directed to apply for a resident card.  Outreach Cards are valid for 2 years.

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