WA Amanda Embrey

Who’s Awesome! Amanda Embrey – November 2024

Amanda Embrey, circulation clerk at the Palmyra branch library, is HCPL’s  Who’s Awesome!  winner for November. There were four nominations for the honor this month.

Nikki Esarey, the Palmyra lead circ associate, nominated Embrey writing, “Recently, Amanda purchased a variety of puzzles to create a puzzle swap for our free book cart, and the patrons love it. Whether it’s setting up an aquarium at the desk, bringing in cute decorations, or starting a puzzle swap, Amanda is always striving to make the library more welcoming and fun.”

Embrey joined the HCPL staff at Palmyra in April of 2013 and worked until the end of 2017 when she transitioned to a substitute position. In November of 2023, she rejoined the Palmyra schedule and has since received eight Who’s Awesome nominations.

In October Embrey received two nominations. Co-worker Shawnda Mosson wrote, “Amanda has been great about covering my shifts for me when I have needed to take time off. I am very grateful that she has been able to switch her schedule around when I have needed the coverage.”  Esarey’s  nomination read, “Amanda has great customer service skills and is always friendly and helpful to library patrons. While I was at a school visit this week and she was working by herself, a couple visiting from out of town were so impressed with her welcoming attitude that they made a nice donation to the library in gratitude. Her kindness and dedication is apparent in all she does. She is awesome!!”

Esarey also nominated Embrey in June stating, “Amanda purchased an aquarium and all of the supplies for the library’s desk. She thought that it would be nice for our patrons, especially our young patrons, and she worked diligently to make it a reality. The patrons do love it and so do the employees. It is so bright and cheerful – complete with a bubbling volcano. It’s a great addition to the library. Amanda is awesome for making it happen!”

Each month a winner is selected by random drawing. Others nominated in November include:  Jan Hecht, Shelley Gulley and Pat Schwartz.


Article by Alisa Burch, Director

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