Who’s Awesome! Sarah Dorton – December 2024

Sarah Dorton, circulation clerk at the Elizabeth branch library, is HCPL’s  Who’s Awesome! winner for December. There were 19 nominations for the honor this month.

Eden Ransdell, youth services manager, nominated Dorton writing, “Sarah made an awesome promo video for the Winter Reading challenge! ”

Dorton joined the HCPL staff in October of 2012 and was part of the original Elizabeth staff when the branch opened on Sunday, October 28, 2012.  She was a perfect fit for the branch library being from Elizabeth with an interest in genealogy and the history of the community. Dorton is a whiz at Photoshop, Canva and video editing. She uses her creativity to come up with awesome decorations and displays and is a patron favorite.

Administrative Assistant Diana Lasky nominated Dorton in August 2023 stating, “Sarah does amazing work behind the scenes to provide content for social media. The library is very lucky to have Sarah’s talent available as she works magic to create short video ads and content to provide a polished professional look to everything she touches. I value the incredible work that she has done for me this year working with Shakespeare and WaterStep promotions. Thanks for being awesome, Sarah!”

Dorton was also nominated by her supervisor Sara Deatrick, Elizabeth lead circ associate, in May 2023 for, “Decorating for SRP. Scavenger hunt, hallway display, Memorial Day display, bulletin boards!” and January of 2023 for creating “Beyond awesome balloon & streamer hoop decorations for Ella Enchanted Program on 1/18/23. We received a thank you in the mail from Patty Ball thanking each.”

Each month a winner is selected by random drawing. Others nominated in November include:  Ann Allen, Sara Deatrick, Amanda Embrey, Nikki Esarey, Connie Gresham, Shawnda Mosson, Julia Phipps, Courtney Satterfield, Trevor Smith, Jessica Stroud, Debi Strubler, Savannah Wallace, Brandy Wilkerson, and Heather Wyss.


Article by Alisa Burch, Director

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