Two of HCPL’s long-term employees, Ann Crecilius and Nancy Rosenbaum retired in April. Due to unforeseen circumstances, both had to leave without co-workers being able to wish them goodbye and good luck in person.
Ann Crecelius joined HCPL as a part-time youth services staff member in September of 2003. After years of working in the children’s department she switched to technical services/cataloging where she did an outstanding job. Her supervisor, Bethany Banet, said Ann was teaching her replacement Jennifer Schroering things that Bethany herself didn’t know or realize. Ann was well known for being exact and precise. Staff often described Ann as caring, pleasant and positive.
Nancy Rosenbaum also joined the HCPL youth services staff as part-time summer reading help in June of 1999. Summer came and went and Nancy stayed! With the addition of Nancy to the staff, the library was able to offer toddler programming and outreach to daycares. Nancy worked in youth services until the Lanesville Branch opened in 2009 and she was made the Lanesville lead circ associate. Nancy’s programs, whether storytimes for youth or cooking programs for adults, were always popular. Patrons and staff alike love her sense of humor and gift for gab. Her co-workers at Lanesville had planned to surprise her with a week-long celebration.
HCPL director Alisa Burch expressed her regards by saying, “Thank you Ann and Nancy! Though we didn’t get to say it in person, your years of hard work and dedication were greatly appreciated. You will be missed. In fact, you already are. Take care. Have fun. Visit often.”
Article by Alisa Burch