Harrison County Public Library will recognize and thank valuable library volunteers during a recognition reception on April 25 from 1 – 2:30 PM. The reception occurs during National Volunteer Week, which is celebrated annually during the third week of April. It is a time to spotlight volunteers, provide an opportunity to say thank you and help inspire others to volunteer their time and talents.
HCPL has dependable and energetic volunteers who offer a variety of experience and expertise. Harrison County Public Library values each of the 20 volunteers who provide service to the library and help HCPL better serve the community.
The library board of trustees are volunteers appointed by local elected officials: the county council, the county commissioners and the school boards. HCPL’s seven board members serve four-year terms and oversee the finance, policy and planning activities at the library.
Thank you board members for your dedication of time, talent and expertise:
Kathy Crimans – President
Sharon Mathes – Vice-President
Barbara Smith – Secretary
Derrick Grigsby – Treasurer
Members at Large – Jon Howerton, Roger Windell & Pam Bennett Martin
Behind every successful library is an active Friends of the Library group. The Friends of Harrison County Library, Inc. raises funds through book sales for programs, activities and supplies. Along with monetary funding, the Friends will lend a hand at special events. They sponsor the prize books given to the youth during the summer reading challenge. The Friends meet every other month beginning in January and host a book sale on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month at the Book Box. The Book Box is the building in the library’s back parking lot. The Friends also raise money through membership. An individual membership is $5.00.
Thank you Friends of the Library for your time and support:
Cyndi Voyles – President
Cindy Daily – Vice-President
Christine Pendleton – Treasurer
Susan Isbell – Secretary
Active Volunteers – Lynne Schipp & Karen Eves
Though many adult programs are provided by librarians, others are led by volunteers who bring quality programming through their expertise in specific areas such as book discussion, photography, painting, manga & anime, and English as a Second Language.
Thank you volunteer programmers for your dedication and expertise:
Gary Pope – Memories and Memoirs Book Club
Gabriele Williams – Through the Lens – photography
Aaron Blackman – Manga and Anime Club
Jamie Babcock – Painting with Jamie
Elizabeth Redding – English as a Second Language tutoring
The general public may not realize that a small group of volunteers repairs and cleans library materials. Think of it as a book hospital where trained volunteers care for damaged materials. Library users should not attempt to make book repairs at home. If there is a tear or rip in a book’s page or a binding becomes loose, the library volunteers can repair it with glue or a binding machine. Inside each CD case is a paper to note issues or disc problems.
Thank you cleaning and repair volunteers:
Christine Pendleton – Book repair
Lynne Schipp – Book repair
Walter Ryan – DVD cleaning and repair
Jessica Fulk – Clean and shelve juvenile books
Happy National Volunteer Week!