Shakespeare on the Corydon Capitol Square a Hit

Friday evening, May 10, was a beautiful weather day for the library to host the kick-off of the SoIn To Shakespeare Tour 2024 of The Tempest at the Corydon Capitol State Historic Site lawn and gazebo. Attendance was 155 with many late comers.

Co-director Martin French welcomes the crowd.
The youth actors on a ship in a storm

The family-friendly play was shortened by James Thompson to be accessible and clear. The youth in the audience were added as cast members and were able to take the stage 3 different times. The children helped begin the play as seafarers (with pirate hats) and were tossed side to side on the ship during the storm. Then the cast took over as the tempest continued.

The tempest tosses the ship.
Miranda, Prospero and Caliban
Apparitions (youth) created by Ariel torment and scare Alonsa and Anonette

The crowed covered all generations. Comments were all positive about the play. location and weather. One set of parents stated that their children had “caught the acting bug” and other families all had positive comments about their children’s experience. Overall, a great time was had by all.

Cast List:
Prospero – Clara Burton
Alonsa – Susan Brooks
Miranda/Trinculo – Kaila Gelback
Caliban/Boatswain – Hayley Ginger
Gonzalo/Stephano – Bryce Woodard
Ferdinand/Antonette – Brayli Temple
Ariel – All actors

Co-director/Producer: Martin French
Co-director/Script Adaptation: James Thompson

The actors and youth take a bow
Cast ends with s sea chanty

If you missed the program, click on the link for more dates of the SoIN To Shakespeare Tour 2024.  2024 Shakespeare Spring Tour Poster

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