“Beachy” book recommendations

Shelley Gulley, circulation associate at the Lanesville branch, compiled the following list of summer reads. Please click each title to view it in the Harrison County Public Library online catalog. Some of these titles are also available as eBooks and audio books from OverDrive. If you do not have an HCPL card, OverDrive offers access using your mobile phone number. Happy reading!

Summer is coming and if you enjoy “beachy” reads, here are some suggestions.

1.     Beach Read by Emily Henry (title on order)

2.     28 Summers by Elin Hilderbrand (title on order by HCPL; click here to view eBook or audio book from OverDrive)

3.     Sea Wife by Amity Gage (title on order)

4.     On Ocean Boulevard by Mary Alice Monroe (click here to view eBook from OverDrive)

5.     Girls of Summer by Nancy Thayer (click here to view eBook from OverDrive)

6.     A Week at the Shore by Barbara Delinsky (click here to view eBook or audio book from OverDrive)

7.     Sea Glass Cottage by RaeAnn Thayne (click here to view eBook from OverDrive)

8.     Hello Summer by Mary Kay Andrews (click here to view eBook from OverDrive)

9.     Sunrise on Half Moon Bay by Robyn Carr (click here to view eBook or audio book from OverDrive)

10.  Big Summer by Jennifer Weiner (click here to view eBook from OverDrive)

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Week 4 of “Tell Us Your Story”

The Harrison County Public Library invites you to respond to the following writing prompts during the pandemic.  You may choose to write from the prompts that inspire you and include artwork.  Your submissions will be archived in the Frederick Porter Griffin Center and may be included in a time capsule.
Click here to submit your work to HCPL.  There is no deadline; enter your story when convenient to you. You are encouraged to submit drawings, artwork, photos and poems, and please feel free to select a prompt from any age range.

Writing prompts for week 4:


  1. How has Covid-19 affected your work life? Are you working from home? What adjustments have you made?
  2. Tell us about your favorite hobby.


  1. What is your favorite meme (PG please!) right now and how does it relate to our current situation?
  2. Tell us about a place you’ve never been but would like to visit someday.


  1. Have you done any family projects or activities during the quarantine? Have you built or created something together?
  2. Tell us about any pets you have or one you would like to have.

Week 4 of “Tell Us Your Story” Read More »

Week 3 of “Tell Us Your Story”

The Harrison County Public Library invites you to be creative in responding to weekly writing prompts during this pandemic.  You may choose to write from the prompts that inspire you and include artwork.  Your submissions will be archived in the Frederick Porter Griffin Center and may be included in a time capsule.
Click here to submit your work to HCPL.  There is not a deadline–enter your story when convenient to you. You are encouraged to submit drawings, artwork, photos and poems, and please feel free to select a prompt from any age range.
Be sure to take a few minutes and enjoy the short video below that draws parallels between the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic and today’s COVID-19 pandemic in Harrison County.

Writing prompts for the week of May 18, 2020:


  1. Write a Covid-19 inspired poem to or about first responders/healthcare/frontline workers.
  2. Tell us about your idol/hero.


  1. Tell us how you cope with fear and anxiety during this time.
  2. What are your aspirations?


  1. What has worried you the most during this pandemic?
  2. Spring has begun–have you noticed anything different this year about nature?

Week 3 of “Tell Us Your Story” Read More »

Library Offers Curbside Document Services

Need to send or receive a fax?  Have to make copies?  Does an application require you to scan or print something?  The Harrison County Public Library can help you.  Beginning Monday, May 18, the library will offer curbside document services in addition to curbside pickup of books, magazines and DVDs.

The process is simple and contact free.  Just call the library, send a Facebook message or email any library branch to ask about document services.  If you have a document you wish to copy, fax, scan or print from a flash drive simply:

  1. Bring your document to the library parking lot.
  2. Call the library when you are parked in the lot.
  3. Take the 2 gallon Ziploc bag from the plastic basket near the library book drop (or at the Palmyra Branch next to the side door).
  4. Complete the form in the bag with the enclosed pencil or your own pen.
  5. Place your document in the bag along with any needed payment and close the bag.
  6. Drop the bag with the enclosed document, completed form and payment in the library book drop and call the library from your car to let the staff know the document has been deposited. (If at Palmyra, return your bag to the plastic basket, and then call the library.)
  7. Stay in your car while you document is copied, faxed, scanned or printed.
  8. Library staff wearing mask and gloves will return the Ziploc with your documents, any copies and receipt to your car and place it in your popped trunk, empty passenger seat or on your car hood.

If you need to print a document that is not saved to a flash drive, there are some options:

  1. You may email the print job as an attachment to the library @ hcpl.lib.in.us.
  2. You may use the ePrintit app or click here to send your wireless print jobs through the library website.
  3. If you do not have a computer but know the website location of the document you need printed, you may call the library and ask for assistance.

Library staff will call you when your print job is ready for pickup.  You will be told the cost of the print job.  To pay when you arrive at the library parking lot, retrieve a Ziploc bag from the plastic basket near the book drop (at Palmyra Branch near the side door).  Complete the form and place it and your payment in the book drop. (Or back in the plastic basket at Palmyra).  Call the library from your car.  Your documents and receipt will be brought out and placed in your popped trunk, empty passenger seat or on your car hood.

Hours for curbside service are:

Main Branch
– 105 N. Capitol Ave., Corydon – 812-738-4110

Monday-Thursday 10 am – 7:30 pm Friday & Saturday 10 am -4:30 pm

Palmyra Branch
– 689 Haub St, Palmyra – 812-364-6425

Monday-Thursday 11 am – 7:30 pm Friday & Saturday 9 am -4:30 pm

Lanesville Branch
– 7340 E. Pennington St, Lanesville – 812-952-3759

Monday-Thursday 12-7:30 pm Friday & Saturday 9 am-4:30 pm

Elizabeth Branch
– 5101 S. Main St., Suite 109, Elizabeth – 812-969-2899

Monday & Thursday 1-6:30 pm Tuesday & Wednesday 1-7:30 pm

Friday & Saturday 10:30-3:30 pm

For more information please call 812-738-4110 or send an email to [email protected].


Library Offers Curbside Document Services Read More »

HCPL Safety Protocols

The Harrison County Public Library is committed to serving its patrons and the community in a manner ensuring safety and health.  While there is nothing we’d love more than welcoming you back inside the library, time is needed to put precautions in place to continue to limit the spread of COVID-19.  

With safety as the number one priority the library will reopen in phases.  HCPL continues service while physical facilities are closed to the public through the library website with access to eResources, eBooks, downloadable audio, virtual programming and free Wi-Fi available in each location’s parking lots.

With the support of the Harrison County Health Department and the county commissioners, on May 4, the library began offering contact free curbside pickup of books and DVDs while protecting staff and the community. 

Plans are currently underway to deliver contact free document services such as faxing, copying, printing and scanning. Offering computer service by appointment is being considered.

HCPL will continue to determine what reopening will look like.  In the coming months library service will not look exactly like it did before.  Thank you for your continued patience and support.


Employee Self-Assessment

Each morning before coming to work you should do this two question self-assessment:

  1. Do I feel like I have a fever?  (if in doubt take your temperature)
  2. Do I have a persistent cough not related to an allergy or other known condition?

If you answer yes to either question, 

    • call your supervisor and let them know you will not be in.
    • contact your medical professional to find out if you need testing.

Temperature Log

During this period of uncertainty, it would be a good idea to keep a temperature log.  The log will establish an initial baseline.  Set a time in the morning and evening to take your temperature and record it.  Other factors besides illness can cause a change in temperature such as hormones, exposure to heat or cold or exercise.  However, if you are feeling ill and you have a jump in your temperature log that would be an indication you should remain at home and consult your medical professional as noted above.

Illness with a Fever

If you experience an illness with a fever and a cough, you are urged to consult your medical professional and get a COVID test.


DO NOT ENTER ANY LIBRARY FACILITY if you are feeling sick or if any member of your household is sick.

Do not report to work if you have any of these symptoms: fever, cough, sore throat or headache not related to allergies, shortness of breath, chills or a new loss of sense of taste.


Cleaning/Disinfecting Protocols 

  • All returned library materials are cleaned, disinfected and quarantined for 24 hours prior to being shelved.
  • Children’s play materials will be unavailable or limited.
  • Staff are asked to clean and disinfect their work area on arrival and departure.
  • Library janitorial staff have stepped up cleaning procedures and protocols. 
  • If a staff member becomes ill with a confirmed case of COVID-19, that branch will be closed for 24 hours and then disinfected by janitorial staff before reopening.  


Hygiene Measures

  • When handling incoming library materials staff will wear gloves.
  • Staff are reminded not to touch their face even when wearing gloves.
  • All staff have been trained in the proper procedure to remove and dispose of gloves.
  • Staff will be asked to wash hands frequently for at least 20 seconds.  When hand washing is not possible they will be asked to use hand sanitizer.  Posters promoting hand washing are posted in all restrooms.
  • Staff are asked to observe proper sneeze and cough etiquette.  Tissues and trash cans are provided.  Signs explaining proper sneeze and cough etiquette will be posted throughout the library.
  • Staff will wear gloves and masks to deliver materials to cars.
  • Books will be placed in open trunks, empty passenger seats or on car hoods.
  • Each bag of books will include a flier reminding patrons to observe hand hygiene stating that although library materials have been cleaned and quarantined readers should wash their hands before and after handling library materials, avoid touching their mouth and face and refrain from eating while using library materials.


Social Distancing

  • When in the building both staff and members of the public will be required to observe social distance of at least six feet. 
  • When entering common areas such as hallways and stairways staff will wear masks.
  • Staff break rooms will be limited to one person at a time.
  • Staff are asked not to congregate in parking lot, break rooms or lobbies.
  • Materials must be returned in book drops and not handed to staff members.
  • Patrons will be asked to remain in their cars during curbside service.
  • Plexiglass barriers and clear liners may be put in place to protect staff and the public.
  • Distancing markers may be placed on the floor in front of service desks to indicate where patrons may safely wait for assistance.

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On to week two of “Tell Your Story”

Today we begin week two of “Tell Us Your Story” writing prompts!

Please click here for more details and to submit your writing, art, poetry and photos. Feel free to select a prompt from any age range.

Prompts for the week of May 11:

1. What have you learned about yourself or someone close to you while you were quarantined?
2. What traits do you admire in others?

1. How does eLearning (online) compare with face-to-face learning?
2. What is your favorite hobby and how does it make you feel?

1. Tell us about your daily routine during quarantine. Do you have a set time to get started? Do you work straight through and get it all done or do you take breaks?
2. What is your favorite poem (or nursery rhyme)? Why do you like it?

On to week two of “Tell Your Story” Read More »

Staff book recommendation: “A Dream of Hope” by Amy Clipston

Judy Shaffer, circulation associate at the Main library, recommends A Dream of Hope, book three in the Hearts of the Lancaster Hotel series by Amy Clipston.

This book series is available to download in eBook format from OverDrive. If you do not have an HCPL library card, OverDrive offers a free digital access card using your mobile number.

Judy says of A Dream of Hope, “When she moves to Amish country to find peace and healing, Madeleine finds a special community–and a special man–who pulls her out of her solitude and into a new life.”

Please click a book cover to read the book description and to download.

Click to view A Hopeful Heart in OverDrive
Book 1
Book 2
Click to view A Dream of Home on OverDrive
Book 3
Click to download A Simple Prayer from OverDrive
Book 4


Staff book recommendation: “A Dream of Hope” by Amy Clipston Read More »

Help Document the COVID-19 Experience by Telling Your Story

Stay at home orders, social distancing, and PPE — who had heard of these terms three months ago?  Now they are dominating the collective existence.  Help the library preserve the thoughts, feelings and experiences of the Harrison County community during this unprecedented, global pandemic by sharing your story.

Writing is a great way to process what you’re feeling.  The Harrison County Public Library invites you to express yourself by responding to weekly writing prompts and submitting your work from this page. Each week six writing prompts will be posted on the library’s Facebook page and website. You may choose to write from any or all prompts that inspire you and include artwork.  Your submissions will be archived and included in a time capsule, forever immortalizing this moment in our collective history.  

Elementary students from around Harrison County are being asked to complete a booklet, My 2020 Harrison County Covid-19 Booklet, and return it to one of the library branches to create a book for HCPL’s Frederick Porter Griffin Center for Local History and Genealogy and to also be placed in the time capsule.  The booklet can be downloaded here or parents can ask for a printed version at any library location during curbside pickup.

Call the library at 812-738-4110 for more information.

Prompts for the week of May 4:


  • How has learning at home been going? Do you like it? Is it easier or harder than at school? Do you think you are learning as much?
  •  What makes you the happiest?


  • What extracurricular activity have you missed the most? Sports? (One in which you participated or enjoyed watching) Band? Drama? Clubs?
  • What is your favorite song? Why?


  • How has the stay-at-home order impacted your life? Describe your current daily routine. How has it changed?
  • What is your favorite book? Why?

Help Document the COVID-19 Experience by Telling Your Story Read More »

Staff book review: “The Matriarch: Barbara Bush and the Making of an American Dynasty”

Debi Strubler, circulation assistant at the Main library, wrote the following review of The Matriarch: Barbara Bush and the Making of an American Dynasty by Susan Page.

This title is available to download as an eBook from OverDrive. If you do not have an HCPL library card, OverDrive offers a free digital access card using your mobile number.

Author Susan Page

I read this book because I wanted to know more about this iconic woman who not only saw, but advised, both a husband and a son as Presidents of the United States. I always wondered why she was a bit brusque and sarcastic; hidden behind the signature white pearls was a very complex and underestimated First Lady. Ms. Page begins the journey with Barbara Pierce Bush from her childhood in Rye, New York and ends the journey the last six months of her life. Perhaps the sarcastic attitude developed at an early age when she received multiple criticisms from her mother all through her childhood, or it could have been the sudden loss of Robin, her three-year-old, who was taken from the Bushes by the disease of leukemia. Both Barbara and George H. Bush never recovered from this loss. In diary entry after diary entry, Mrs. Bush writhes in pain from losing her baby daughter. She suffers bouts of depression from losing Robin and living through an unfaithful husband episode. Her depression almost brought her to suicide. Despite the many setbacks in her life she became one of the most beloved and respected First Ladies. She not only contributed to the political strategies of her husband’s and son’s presidencies, she brought love and compassion to HIV/AIDS victims. One of her main contributions during her life was how she emphasized the importance of literacy in our country. In closing, she was sassy and classy! 

Staff book review: “The Matriarch: Barbara Bush and the Making of an American Dynasty” Read More »

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