Library Closure Extended to Comply With “Stay at Home” Order
In light of Governor Eric Holcomb’s “stay at home” order for Hoosiers to slow the spread of COVID-19, the Harrison County Public Library will remain closed through Tuesday, April 7.
As always, HCPL offers access to eBooks, eMagazines, downloadable audiobooks and other eResources, 24 hours a day, seven days a week via the HCPL eResources page. New pages have been added to the library website. One page provides reliable public safety information about COVID-19 and another, the Brain Booster Resource page, offers links to Storyline Online, Scholastic Learn at Home and Tumblebooks.
To ensure library patrons have access to library eResources library card privileges have been renewed for all library cards that would have expired January 1 through June 30, 2020. The new card expiration is now December 30, 2020. Harrison County residents who do not currently have a library card can access library eResources by applying for a Digital Access Card at the bottom of the Library eResources page.
Material due dates have been extended until after April 8. No library materials will be due during the March 17- April 7 closure
Library Wi-Fi remains on at all library locations and can be accessed outside the buildings.
During the closure staff will monitor the website’s Ask a Librarian and Contact Us features. Please check the library website or Facebook page for up-to-date information.