Am I eligible to vote?
Important dates to remember:
- October 5, 2020 – Deadline to register to vote
- October 22, 2020 – Application deadline for absentee ballots at 11:59 p.m. Absentee ballots must be received in the election office by November 3 at 12:00 p.m.
- November 3, 2020 – General Election day
To vote in Indiana, an individual must be a citizen of the U.S. who will be least 18 years of age at the time of the next general, municipal or special election. The voter must have resided in their precinct for 30 days prior to the next general, municipal or special election.
You have the right to vote if…
- You have been previously incarcerated
Voting rights are restored upon release from jail or prison. People who have been previously incarcerated should check their registration, and re-register to vote if it has been canceled. Individuals on parole, probation, home detention, or people who are in jail awaiting trial can vote. People who are in a community corrections program, such as work release or electronic monitoring, can vote. Learn more and view corresponding Indiana code.
- You are Transgender
Transgender people can vote, even if their gender does not match what is listed on their government issued ID. Transgender people must be registered with the name that is listed on their government issued ID. Full list of accepted photo ID forms below.
- You are a recently naturalized citizen
Recently naturalized Americans have the same voting rights as someone who was born in the U.S. Visit our Know Your Rights Page to learn more. Recursos en Español:
- You are a student
College students have a right to register and vote in the place they truly consider to be “home” — whether their dorm room, apartment or parents’ house. High school students who will turn 18 by the next General or Municipal Election, may register to vote before the registration deadline even if they have not yet turned 18.
- You are an individual with a disability
Each polling place in the state of Indiana must have at least one accessible voting machine and each location must be physically accessible.Voters that require assistance may designate a relative or friend to assist them at the polling place, or receive assistance from one of two poll workers who have completed the Affidavit of Voter Assistance at the Polls.
Accepted photo identification is as follows:
- State of Indiana identification with the voter’s name, photograph, and an expiration date that is current or expired after the most recent general election
- U.S. government identification that meets the above criteria
- Student ID from a public institution in Indiana that meets the above criteria
- Military ID (need not include an expiration date)
Voters may also submit an application for a free photo ID at the Bureau of Motor Vehicles. The Secretary of State provides further information.
Information supplied courtesy of ACLU of Indiana.
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